We've completed the bio-sensor training. Yesterday was the 16th day. We did this training from day three to day sixteen (see "Super Dog" Post ) for more information on Bio Sensor training and it's benefits.
Tessa keeping tabs on Janet with black collar pup |
It's been interesting watching them progress through the training. Initially, much resistance to lying on their backs, now though, they all seem to just melt in your hands. The cool rag portion gets them standing quickly. No one cares for the inverted hold very much at all, and they seem oblivious to the toe/foot stimulation.
They all like the lying on their back... now. |
Thank you for the new pics! I do love the hunting stories ( you are a really great writer), but it's been hard for me to be patient - you may understand :) - to see more of the pups. My that's a chubby little girl pup!