Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I just arrived home at the Farm in Davis last night, trying to beat a rainstorm that might trap me for a few days at the Winter grounds in Raymond.  I thought this might be a good opportunity (since I have internet here) to post a few photo's of the Winter Grounds and some of the dogs at work.  Enjoy!

Bailey on the move


Part of the Winter Grounds

Sadie Out Front

Bailey on a Nice Point!

Tessa Point

Hank on Point - can you see the chuckar?

Bailey Cooling off in one of the Ponds

Bailey on the Viewing Platform

After the dogs run we generally hook them up to the wagon where they can cool  out, always shady underneath and they like to try to watch.  I often came back to the wagon to see a dog sitting on it like this.

Nice Distant point on a deadfall
Jake Roading

Tucker Roading

Pearl "Roading"

Up and Over - The rolling hills are great conditioning!
Scarlet on a nice point

Same Point - front view

It was warm, Bailey on a moving Chuckar


1 comment:

  1. Haha, I love the point on the deadfall! Email me if you get a chance, Ken:

    --Dave from Okinawa
